Travel Information

Nashville is a very accessible city; in fact, millions of visitors travel here every year. Multiple airlines regularly fly in and out of Nashville, and the city is within a day’s drive of over half the continental United States.

Attending a Bethesda Healing Workshop maximizes a participant’s time away from daily life. In just a few days, we provide between 8-12 months of therapy. That intensity means it’s critically important that a participant is present for the entire workshop. As a group intensive, everyone needs to begin and end together.

Travel Arrangements

It’s in a participant’s best interest to arrive rested. Please make arrangements to arrive the day before the workshop instead of flying overnight or leaving at dawn to travel the day of the workshop. Don’t arrive exhausted before these intense, long days.

Bethesda Workshops will be prepared to welcome participants beginning 45 minutes before the workshop starts (Central time). Participants should arrive no later than 15 minutes before the workshop begins.

A participant will not be admitted to the workshop if he or she plans travel to arrive late or leave early. A participant shortchanges him/herself and disrupts the workshop process by arriving late or leaving early. Please make arrangements to arrive in plenty of time, even if that means arriving a day early or leaving the day after workshops end.

Flight Information

If a participant is flying, Nashville is the destination airport (airport code BNA).

There is a complimentary hotel shuttle from the airport, which is only a very short ride. If a room is available, the hotel is glad to let a participant check into his/her room if arriving the morning of the workshop. Otherwise, the staff can store luggage until the workshop group returns to check in at the end of the first day.

When flying in for a workshop that starts at 1:00 pm, a participant needs to have enough time to get lunch and be at the conference hotel in time to catch a shuttle to Bethesda Workshops.

Participants carpool back and forth daily between the hotel and Bethesda Workshops. There’s no need to rent a car. If driving, participants should come directly to Bethesda Workshops, not to the hotel. A Travel Arrangements Form is one of the documents participants receive as part of the workshop paperwork, and it provides space to communicate travel plans and lodging needs to the Bethesda Workshops staff.